Asylum created two large sets of giant Epson Ink Bottles. The models were produced with a combination of materials to make them light enough to carry and provide an accurate rendition of their smaller counterparts.
Four stop-motion animated ads with fabricated miniature figures and sets.
Asylum helped tweak Miles' design and fully fabricated the puppeteer-able character.
Two models, one a skilfully carved architectural miniature...... and another made from twigs!
A beaten, old football puppet showing how 'NOT' to play the game.
Celebrating the birth of Louis Vuitton, 200 years ago, Asylum designed this unique trunk.
An LED lit table for the Ashes 2019 commentary box, that could change colour.
Two life sized, four legged, robot aliens for the TV series.
Two sets of giant legs were produced to celebrate the release of Drag Race UK at Manchester Pride.
An installation by artist Filip Custic, featured at the entrance of Selfridges during Manchester International Festival.
A series of outdoor installations for Twitter's Cannes Lions event.
A 50cm tall resin trophy with silver body and 3D printed details.
A set of sculptural TV stands for Sky Sports F1 and a simple stand for PGA Golf.
A 60cm trophy cast in clear resin with etched brass details.
A 40cm perfume bottle in the shape of a baby.
A set of lacquered Masks fitted with mannequin hands.
A mechanised box with built-in light fixtures and automated hinges.
A 3x3 metre interactive steel ball labyrinth featuring 4 separate mazes.