A short film featuring the Asylum Space Suit
Asylum helped tweak Miles' design and fully fabricated the puppeteer-able character.
A beaten, old football puppet showing how 'NOT' to play the game.
Large neon shapes programmed with animated patterns, for New Bond St. store's windows.
Celebrating the birth of Louis Vuitton, 200 years ago, Asylum designed this unique trunk.
A large RC racing track to promote Cisco's traffic control AI.
An LED lit table for the Ashes 2019 commentary box, that could change colour.
Two life sized, four legged, robot aliens for the TV series.
Transforming the amphitheatre in Sheldon Square into a spectacle of light, colour and movement, “Chords of Light” is a fully immersive lighting design.
Two sets of giant legs were produced to celebrate the release of Drag Race UK at Manchester Pride.
An installation by artist Filip Custic, featured at the entrance of Selfridges during Manchester International Festival.
A series of outdoor installations for Twitter's Cannes Lions event.
A set of lacquered Masks fitted with mannequin hands.
A mechanised box with built-in light fixtures and automated hinges.
A 3.5 metre, motorised, geodesic globe, covered in triangular solar panel tiles.
A 3x3 metre interactive steel ball labyrinth featuring 4 separate mazes.
A 3-metre collage of wooden lettered blocks.
A concealable muscle suit with inflatable bladders, creating the illusion of physical transformation.