An oversized pinball machine for close up camera work.
Three hyper-realistic face masks for this poignant advert.
A ventriloquist dummy for this powerful anti-abuse campaign.
Asylum produced every model in this promo for a reboot of the Thunderbird series in 2003.
Rodeo riders mounted on some very strange beasts.
Gross out effects for this clever play on words.
An animatronic dog head for this lip puckering ad.
We created several death scene effects, involving models, prosthetics and atmospherics.
A multitude of sets and models for the body zone.
A giant fossilised dinosaur skeleton.
An animatronic giraffe head making a close inspection of Hyundai's car.
A robotic puppet with detailed, engineered joints.
We recreated the characters from the Magic Roundabout, Andy Pandy and more for the award winning promo.
Costumes and full sized character vehicles brought to life on stage.
A series of animatronic and puppeteered animal dummies.
Matching chrome robot suits for an adult and child.
An acrylic gun and watch for the opening credits of the 1997 Bond film.
A sheep suit with animatronic head and a chopper style lawn mower.