A short film featuring the Asylum Space Suit
An installation by artist Filip Custic, featured at the entrance of Selfridges during Manchester International Festival.
A set of lacquered Masks fitted with mannequin hands.
A mechanised box with built-in light fixtures and automated hinges.
Various modified cars and practical effects for the stunt show spectacular.
We designed and fabricated this fiery companion to share those Doritos moments with.
A plethora of dancing mechanical and electrical toys, powered by solar energy.
A mixture of animatronics and silicon models form the visuals of this ad.
Recreating the damaging effects of smoking on the body's organs.
We fabricated a variety of over sized products for M&S' prestigious Christmas ad.
A three times scaled sand sculpture with crumbling skin effects.
Prosthetics and environmental effects were provided for this TV spot.
The Museum of Modern Art presents a retrospective of Björk's work.
A personalised sarcophagus fabricated as a prize for this enigmatic competition.
Subtle effects and models produced for this art house film.
A nodding Afghan hound and dancing polar bear were designed and fabricated in our own workshop.
Golden snails and exotic birds for the Paris jewellery store.
A menagerie of cultural objects from the last 50 years arranged into a stunning still life display for Dan Tobin Smith.